Easy Coconut Curry - Use Everything in Your Fridge

Easy Coconut Curry - Use Everything in Your Fridge

Oh my gosh get off - everything
Hi, everybody, my name is Alexandra Napoli. I am a certified holistic health coach and you are watching health coach TV the show to watch if you want to learn to love yourself as you slide into your skinny jeans. Video
and I'm hungry so let's cook some food - I'm going to make kind of like a curry I think - what I've got two different types of onion, broccoli, kale, red bell pepper, baby carrots, eggplants, fresh potatoes, a half a can of coconut milk, some leftover quinoa. The first thing I'm going to do is going to peel these. I just want the potatoes to kind of disappear into the curry. My dad hates my vegetable peeler but it's doing the trick for me, and I'd rather save the $10 than buy a new one. That's a money-saving tip for you are learning to cook and you are learning to save money. Could you ask for anything more? I don't know what else you could want from cooking show. Now, what I actually should have done first was chop up my onion and turn on the pan. So put pan onto medium medium-high. I am going to cut my onions just like a thin dice a curry or stew or things like this is a really good way to get rid of a lot of items in your fridge because you can really put just enough anything in it. I'm just going to chop these into smaller chunks so they cook really quickly ok that's all chopped looks good we're going to both my types of onions get in there mixing it up I think we're going to need some garlic three cloves of garlic take off the little bottom pieces then given a little crush and the peels should technically come right off but it's still kind of a pain in the butt moving right along what I want to do here is add some flavor so that the

 curry gets a really nice flavor I've got my red pepper flakes I've got ground coriander a pinch of that turmeric smoked paprika right into the mix so what you're doing by putting the spices in while you are still cooking the onion and it's just like butter and onion you're waking up the spices good morning spices wake up it just gives them a little bit more flavor I know it's helpful to add flavor early and then continue to add flavor throughout so that it tastes really good at the end more flavor is always better that should be like Flavor Flav's slogan more flavor is always better you can really smell the smoked paprika 
that's nice chopping up my garlic here you could use a garlic press if you want I just don't want to that's what's happening here garlic into the pan i hope i can show you oh look at that see how they're all colorful that's just the onion but because we added the spices they take on the color good good good good good ok let's add the potatoes so that they cook a little bit faster I'm going to add the liquid so they basically get boiled take your coconut milk shake your coconut milk so shake your coconut milk because it has a tendency to separate the water on the bottom and the milk on top so you want to get it all back together I'm adding my pure organic coconut milk I'm gonna add a little bit of chicken stock to the mix because I want the liquid to come up almost over the potatoes you could use chicken stock you can use water perfect precise measurements always here on the show turn the heat up nice and high we want to start to boil so that the potatoes really start to cook now all my little baby carrots and don't even get me started on the baby carrot controversy because I don't really think I can take a stand until I go visit a baby carrot factory and check it out for myself I heard both sides you know I just really am hopeful that these baby
carrots are as pure and delicious as I hope they are cause I'll be very very very sad if they turn out to not think I should add the carrots now? I think so carrots take a long time to cook in my mind so I'm going to add them also ok I've got my bell pepper the easiest way to get the inside out cut it straight in half stick your fingers in here and just pull the inside part out i feel like a dinosaur pull the core the heart the seeds rip the heart out of your pepper and then take
it over the sink and get all the seeds out super easy now I feel evil ripping my heart out of this thing did anybody watch Sausage Movie it made like afraid to eat all foods don't be sad pepper ahh I'm a fruitarian I only eat fruits that have naturally fallen from trees that are a Notting Hill reference I'm not actually making fun of anybody so if that's your jam it up alright so it's boiling pretty hard I'm going to lower it just a little bit I've got my broccoli don't discount the stock of the broccoli  stock is pretty delish all you really need to do for the broccoli stock broc stock is take off the really woody end piece your knife will kind of tell you where that is based on how incredibly difficult it is to cut through basically peeling the outside of broccoli with my knife same thing with this guy's now the only consideration you need to make with your broccoli stock broccoli stock is that it's going to take a little bit longer to cook than the flowers so you want to cut it into smaller pieces and add you your whatever you're cooking a little bit earlier than the rest of stock and you just seeing the broccoli stock broc stock you can throw in the steamer a few minutes before you throw everything else in and then you'll have some delicious broccoli stock.

Broccoli stock I really am enjoying saying broccoli stock broc stock I don't think there's anything you can do to stop me from talking about broccoli stock broc stock for the rest of this episode I wish I had used broccoli stock broc stock instead of chicken stock because that would have been absolutely delicious I'm going to add my broccoli stock broc stock know what we need we need a little bit of salt a little bit of pepper black pepper and turmeric are like BFF's one cannot survive without the other well technically they can survive but they are enhanced by each other there are active ingredients in the turmeric that only come out when it's combined with black pepper that's why if you're buying turmeric supplement the turmeric supplement always has black pepper as one of the ingredients if it doesn't you're not buying a very good brand of turmeric supplement chopping up my broccoli flowers less fun to say than broccoli stock broc stock for sure okay I got my broccoli stock broc stock you can't see it and there's so many of them I've got all these broccoli flowers I've also got these two things of eggplant which just need to get cooked I don't care what people say nobody likes a thin eggplant looking good I'm going to add in my eggplants got it going in here yeah let's get the lid on this bad boy and just keep chopping vegetable cause that's all I know how to do you know this my kale strip your kale strip it good and then chop the leaves now use organic garbanzo beans also known as chick peas
gonna strain it and rinse it I'm going to add this right away you know what let's do it let's get it all in there bell pepper I'm gonna add everything except for the kale because the kale I think doesn't need very long.
The broccoli stock and I'm going to mix it definitely needs more liquid so we're gonna add more vegetable stocks because we're all out coconut milk I guess it's chicken stock I keep lying to you I'm sorry a little bit more coriander a little bit more turmeric and a little bit more smoked paprika give it a good old mix young mix I'm young give it young mixes my curry's been cooking for about the last 15 minutes just on a low simmer and we're going to do now is add my kale and give it a nice stir.
Basically just a really great way to eat every single vegetable and your fridge at once I'm gonna add a little bit more salt and peppers and it's good that is very nice the potatoes have really thickened it up.

A lot which is fantastic so I'm just gonna turn it to low low low and just let the kale kind of melt into it doesn't really need to cook its kale it's fantastic I've got my quinoa which is pre-cooked so all you need to do to cook quinoa is two parts water one part quinoa bring the water to a boil add the quinoa. 

Lower the temperature let it simmer and cover it maybe like 15-20 minutes and then you've got this delicious quinoa I usually make three or four cups at once you can add it so salads you can have it with curry you can have it just as a side dish anywhere you would have rice it's fantastic delicious nutritious you're gonna love it ok I'm just going to take a couple spoonfuls of this I'm gonna put it in the microwave for like only a minute should probably enough ok I've got my warmed up quinoa and then finish it off I'm going to take just a little splash of lime juice you've got our steaming hot delicious coconut curry with eggplant carrots peppers kale onions potatoes gosh there's just so much good stuff in here such a healthy dinner so easy so fast enjoy I hope you've enjoyed this recipe I hope you make it yourself if you do let me know in the comments below if you want to find me off of Health Coach TV check out all the links in the description where you can also find the full recipes over on my blog enjoy your dinner it's gonna be great I promise a thousand degrees of deliciousness hmm it's really good actually.

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