Few things make a morning run more smoothly

Few things make a morning run more smoothly

Few things make a morning run more smoothly

then a delicious smoothie and today, I'm excited to share with you five brand new flavors I think you're going to love. Now, if you've never seen our other smoothie videos, I definitely recommend you check them out at the end of this video.
 I've left all the links in the description box below. Now, let's get started with our first smoothie flavor that is inspired by the tropical taste of a pina colada. Who doesn't want a pina colada in the morning? Come on. So for this smoothie, we are starting with some coconut milk. Now, if you don't have coconut milk on hand, you could also use almond milk or even coconut water. Those would work just as well. To our coconut milk, we are going to add some freshly chopped pineapple, a banana and we're going to finish this with some freshly grated ginger. We're going to blend it all up and there you go, breakfast is served. Next up, we've got a yummy mango orange smoothie. So into our blender, we are going to pour some almond milk and to that, we are going to add some mango, some orange, and a little bit of vanilla protein powder. Now, I if you don't want to use protein powder in this recipe, that's totally fine. You could replace it with some vanilla extract instead.

Give it a good blend and it is ready to drink. Our next smoothie features the unique flavor of grapefruit. Now, if you're not a grapefruit fan, I highly recommend this smoothie because it's a great way to learn to love it. So into our blender, we are going to start
with some coconut water and to that, we are going to add some peeled grapefruit, some sliced strawberries, and a banana. The banana gives this a nice, rich, creamy texture, and it is so, so yummy. Now, if you find the flavor of grapefruit just a little too bitter, you can totally add some honey to this recipe. That would offset the bitterness. Then, the fill-up, and it is ready to rock. Our next smoothie is one of my all time favorites because it tastes like a blueberry muffin.
So in our blender, we are starting with some rolled oats and we're just going to give these a quick buzz because we don't want chunks of oats in our final smoothie. So we're going to give this a quick buzz and then to this, we are going to add some almond milk,
some blueberries, a banana for creaminess, and we're going to finish this off with some vanilla extract. We're going to puree this all together and it is basically a blueberry muffin in a glass. What could be better than that?
Finally, I'm excited to share a recipe for a green smoothie you can get behind. This one starts with a whole lot of delicious pineapple juice. To that, I'm going to add a chopped pear, half an avocado, and a heaping handful of baby spinach.
We're going to blend this up really well and by the end, you won't even be able to tell that this is good for you. For another incredible smoothie recipe, be sure to check out the latest episode of my series, Mobile Meal Makeover on Kin Community.
All you need to do is click this thumbnail or you can click the link in the description box below. And if you haven't already, be sure to check out my eBook, 30 Days of Smoothies for lots more tasty smoothie recipes. And finally, if you haven't already,
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