Ten easy diet hacks to lose weight fast

Ten easy diet hacks to lose weight fast

  1. Ten easy diet hacks to lose weight fast

 whats up guys its Max Barry owner of Max's Best Bootcamp and if you want to lose weight I'm gonna give you ten easy diet tips that are all of the best dieting hacks that you can use right now and these 10 diet hacks and really simple they're all backed by science and also what I've seen over the last 15 years in the fitness industry so let's get right into the video to be sure to give it a like and post all your comments and questions as we go along as a live youtube video broadcast glad you guys are here first diet hack number one drink apple cider vinegar 1 to 4 tablespoons per day and we did a video I'll post a link to it down below if you guys want a great recipe and really it's just so simple
the only things that are actually proven about apple cider vinegar are two things one that it actually is an appetite suppressant so ultimately will help you eat a little fewer calories at the end of the day that's the idea and the other the thing is to 25 percent extra fat burning so those two things are proven digestion will also improve so look for organic raw unfiltered got to say those things all right now next tip switch to black or black coffee or green tea and you're
going to be saving a ton of calories guys just by switching that if you're doing you know a little bit of milk or a little bit of cream and maybe a couple sugars thing is at the end of the day that could be 50 calories it could be a

hundred calories so go black coffee or green tea that right there is going to switch and swap those out for all those crazy flavor drinks that you're getting used to and a quick tip on that I love getting some fresh roasted beans and
drinking it black and really appreciating the flavor of that coffee and you don't need all that those fillers those means and sugars good next tip are eat your greens we've all heard that greens are good for us but did you know that actually at the end of the day eating greens you can eat unlimited amounts of greens and they're actually a net zero calorie so you can eat to abundance they will fill you up the reason why there's zero calories net zero calories is actually because they're all water and fiber and there's a metabolic effect that your body has to go through to actually break all that fiber down and so eat your greens load up other vegetables are great but greens are a free calorie so load up love those greens big salad baby alright next tip when you're getting those cravings at night pound the gum just-just stuff your mouth with your favorite flavor of gum I'm telling you right now it works and this is just a peppermint orbit I love this just kind of here and there whenever but just put a bunch of slices in your mouth when you get that craving for that chocolate cake or you know if your savory person or sweet person find your favorite flavor and pop a whole bunch of slices and in your mouth just right away and it'll give you that kind of that sweet balance that you're looking for it's not the same as eating the chocolate cake totally understand but that will help and just keep in mind even sugar-free gum is about five calories a slice so if you have 10 slices at the end of the day that's 50 calories which aren't a lot but it does kind of add up so just be mindful of that good the next tip is to up your protein intake now did you know that there's a

the thermogenic effect that when your body takes in lean proteins it actually costs thirty percent of the calories just to break it down and so if you eat I'm just using an easy number here a thousand calories worth of protein now that's going to be a high mount but just using as a simple number it's gonna actually cost your body thirty percent of 300 cow freeze to break that down so for example every hundred calories of protein IE 30 calories of those are going to actually just kind of wipe out because of the thermogenic effect that it takes your body to break down the food so go ahead and replace some of those starches at your meals and up your protein intake that's a great tip and I do that every day and also encourage our clients to do that too good next tip herbs and spices guys herbs and spices so good and you're going to do this instead of sauces so I've got a lemon here now lemon isn't zero caloriesbut it's very low calories about 10 20 calories for entire squeeze fresh squeezed lemon got some red pepper flakes whatever fresh herbs and spices that you like are the best dried herbs are good too and you know the thing is

there's also people think I and is like some miracle metabolomic metabolic booster total myth not true unless you're eating like tablespoons at a time that's going to do nothing for you so that red pepper flakes or just can give you that spice and I like adding this to proteins lemons are great so instead of sauces herbs and spices going to save you a ton of calories right there and you're going to appreciate the natural flavors of those good clean eat well all.
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